

A new open-source software enables easier access to 3D image visualization

A new study led by Takeshita and Yashiro developed Acto3D, an open-source software designed to streamline the generation and analysis of high-resolution 3D images of targets labeled with multiple fluorescent probes. It provides an intuitive interface for easy data import and visualization, performs computations explicitly, and reduces visualization efforts.


In this study, the researchers used CUBIC-R+ clearing together with nuclear labeling, immunostaining, and TomatoLectin staining. They particularly obtained 3D images of the whole E10 mouse embryo as well as the whole hearts of the E9.5 and E10.5 embryos. The images were captured with Zeiss Lightsheet 7 light-sheet microscope.


Validated by imaging mouse embryonic structures and reconstructing pharyngeal arch arteries, the software is a cost-effective and efficient platform for biological research. It is openly shared on their Github (


【Reference】Acto3D: an open-source user-friendly volume rendering software for high-resolution 3D fluorescence imaging in biology. Takeshita N. et al. Development 151: dev202550, 2024.
